Decarbon Daily - Issue for August 2, 2021
Inside this issue
Climate pledges are announced daily from countries and companies across the world. The capital and opportunities for entrepreneurs and companies are enormous. In the near term, carbon capture, emission reduction, and electrification appear to be early winners in the investor and impact community.
In Friday's issue, I covered CCUS in the United States and later this week will review the 2021 announcements for the rest of the world. To date, 17 of the 28 projects are outside of the United States.
Looking for a specific project? Let me know and I'll send back our research on it.
Inside this Issue
⚠️ IEA's Roadmap Shows Difficult Journey to Net-Zero
🌏 China & India Miss UN Deadline for GHG Pledges
🌊 Offshore Carbon Capture Storage: A Forecast of Transatlantic Collaboration
🎓 Stanford Announces New School, the School of Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences
Articles in this issue