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Accelerating Decarbonization: How ENGIE and Catona Climate are Pioneering Long-Term Commitments in Carbon Removal

Published by Todd Bush on June 6, 2024

The fight against climate change demands a global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Decarbonization, the process of eliminating carbon dioxide emissions entirely, is crucial to achieving a sustainable future. In this critical endeavor, a new collaboration between ENGIE, a global leader in low-carbon energy, and Catona Climate, a climate finance company focused on nature-based solutions, stands out as a groundbreaking initiative. Their long-term commitment to carbon removal sets a new standard in the industry, attracting capital, de-risking investments, and promoting high-quality projects that benefit both the environment and local communities.

RELATED: ENGIE and Catona Climate Join Forces to Scale Supply of Nature-based Carbon Removals


ENGIE and Catona Climate: A Powerful Partnership for Decarbonization

ENGIE is a recognized leader in the energy transition, continuously seeking ways to reduce carbon emissions across its operations. Catona Climate, on the other hand, specializes in financing high-impact nature-based carbon removal projects. Their partnership signifies a powerful combination: ENGIE's commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2045 aligns perfectly with Catona Climate's mission of driving capital towards nature-based solutions for carbon sequestration.

The Pioneering Long-Term Offtake Commitment

A key aspect of this collaboration is ENGIE's pre-order of 5 million tonnes of nature-based carbon removals from Catona Climate's portfolio. These removals will be delivered between 2030 and 2039, providing ENGIE with the flexibility to source carbon offsets from various high-impact projects while benefiting from locked-in pricing throughout the period. This long-term offtake commitment is a win-win for both companies. ENGIE gains the security of knowing its future carbon removal needs are addressed, while Catona Climate receives a significant upfront financial commitment that allows for investment in new projects.


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Unlocking Capital for Carbon Removal Projects

Nature-based carbon removal projects, such as afforestation and forest conservation, play a vital role in capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. However, these projects often face challenges in attracting investment due to uncertainties around future carbon credit prices. ENGIE's long-term commitment serves as a beacon of stability, providing Catona Climate with the financial assurance needed to secure funding for project development. As Jérôme Malka, Executive Committee member at ENGIE's Global Energy Management & Sales, points out, "Those signals [from long-term offtake commitments] help us de-risk carbon investments and drive more capital through our trusted network of project developers." Financial experts echo this sentiment, highlighting the importance of long-term contracts in fostering a thriving carbon finance sector.

De-Risking Investments and Paving the Way for Success

Carbon removal projects are inherently risky. Technological advancements, regulatory changes, and market fluctuations can all impact project viability*. ENGIE's long-term commitment acts as a shield against these uncertainties*, providing Catona Climate and its project developers with much-needed financial security. This not only fosters project development but also encourages innovation within the carbon removal sector. Similar long-term offtake agreements in the past have demonstrated success in de-risking investments and accelerating project lifecycles.

Promoting High-Quality Carbon Removal Projects

Not all carbon removal projects are created equal. High-quality projects prioritize environmental integrity, ensuring the permanence of the captured carbon. Additionally, they embrace the concept of "additionality," guaranteeing that the project removes carbon that wouldn't be sequestered otherwise. Finally, these projects strive to deliver co-benefits, such as improved biodiversity, soil health, and water regulation, for the local environment and communities. Catona Climate meticulously vets its projects based on these criteria, and ENGIE's commitment ensures long-term funding for their development and maintenance.

Benefits Flowing to Local Ecosystems and Communities

The positive impacts of high-quality carbon removal projects extend far beyond carbon sequestration. Nature-based solutions like afforestation projects can significantly enhance local ecosystems. Increased biodiversity, improved soil health, and better water regulation are just some of the environmental benefits. Furthermore, these projects can create jobs, boost local economies, and empower communities through participation and ownership. For instance, a project supported by ENGIE and Catona Climate might involve planting trees with local communities, providing them with a steady income source while creating a vital carbon sink.

A Model for the Future: Industry-Wide Transformation

ENGIE and Catona Climate's partnership has the potential to serve as a blueprint for the entire industry. By demonstrating the effectiveness of long-term offtake commitments, they can inspire widespread adoption of this approach. The ripple effect could be immense, accelerating the global decarbonization effort and paving the way for a net-zero future. As Tate Mill, CEO of Catona Climate, states, "Those signals help us de-risk carbon investments and drive more capital through our trusted network of project developers."

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