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Chestnut Carbon Announces More Than 160K Acres Enrolled in Improved Forest Management (IFM) Program

Published by Todd Bush on March 27, 2025

NEW YORK, March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/Chestnut Carbon ("Chestnut"), a nature-based carbon project developer, today announced that since its inception, it has enrolled over 160,000 acres in its Improved Forest Management (IFM) membership program branded as Forest Carbon Works. The program is one of the largest in the U.S. providing private landowners access to income-generating carbon markets while preserving the integrity and legacy of their forest land. The program currently has members enrolled from 36 states.

Chestnut distills the seemingly complex processes of the carbon markets into a simple IFM membership service, enabling private forest landowners to benefit from long-term conservation and sequestration of carbon in a cost-effective manner. Chestnut's IFM program rewards landowners with annual payments for increasing and maintaining net carbon stocks in their forests. Benefits include:

  • Premium annual payments from carbon credit sales;
  • Access to experts in carbon project management and forestry; and
  • Harvest and forest management options.

The Chestnut team handles every aspect of the project for landowners. Their carbon and forestry experts manage the data capture and submission of the forest inventory for their registered carbon project, including annual reporting and verification. They sell the Verra-registered carbon credits sourced from the members' land on the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) to high quality-minded, sustainability-focused buyers and share the credit revenue with the landowner. Chestnut's conservative methodology prioritizes removal credits which are highly additional with longer durability than most IFM projects in the market today.

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"Enrolling with Chestnut Carbon's Forest Carbon Works program allows us to conserve our land as the diverse working forest it is. The steady stream of annual income from this program supports forest management on our property while protecting valuable co-benefits that large forest blocks like ours offer, including biodiversity, water quality, soil retention, and carbon sequestration. Three Peaks Maple is now part of a broader effort to advance long-term conservation and environmental stewardship for generations to come." – Forest Carbon Works member Three Peaks Maple in Newark, Vermont

Chestnut recently completed its first issuance of carbon credits from the Forest Carbon Works IFM program. The issuance of more than 66,000 tons of carbon removal were transacted at an average price of $34 per ton, totaling $2.2 million.

"We are thrilled with the growth of our IFM program footprint, supporting U.S. landowners with financial benefits for long-term conservation and climate-smart management of their land," said Shannon Smith, Chief Commercial Officer of Chestnut Carbon. "With the market dominated by avoidance credits, our removal credits are fairly unique among IFM projects and offer a direct and measurable approach to offsetting carbon emissions. We believe Chestnut's credits will continue to command premium pricing from buyers who are serious about net zero."

About Chestnut Carbon

Chestnut Carbon ("Chestnut") is a leading developer of nature-based carbon removal credits. Founded in 2022 with the support of energy-focused alternative asset manager Kimmeridge, Chestnut generates U.S.-based, high-quality forest carbon offsets that are additional and verifiable to accelerate the path to net zero across a range of industries. Chestnut uses a proprietary, technology-enabled approach to developing U.S. forest carbon offset projects on family-owned forestland and marginal crop and pastureland. Chestnut's expertise is driven by an experienced team, whose diverse backgrounds include forestry, carbon regulation, environment, finance and land management. For additional information on Chestnut, its strategies and environmental stewardship, please visit

SOURCE Chestnut Carbon

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