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Press Release

STX Group Announces New Global Carbon Fund

Published by Todd Bush on October 16, 2023

The first investment fund, Vertis Global Carbon Fund, is launched in partnership with Funds Avenue S.A. and Vertis Environmental Finance

LUXEMBOURG, Oct. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- STX Group, one of the leading providers of environmental commodities and corporate climate solutions, launches first investment fund in partnership with Funds Avenue S.A. and Vertis Environmental Finance. The fund named Vertis Global Carbon Fund will seek to catalyse further investments in carbon compliance markets.

The launch also marks STX Group's entry to the asset management business with its first fund aimed at raising capital for the global compliance carbon markets, and therefore strengthening the Emissions Trading Systems (ETS) flourishing across the world.

The Vertis Global Carbon Fund will leverage on the expertise and experience of Vertis Environmental Finance, an ETS trading house with over 25 years of experience; and STX, one of the leading trading houses in the field of environmental commodities.

Vertis Global Carbon Fund is a response to the growing appetite for investments meeting the ESG criteria, while capturing price appreciation in the global carbon compliance markets. The fund is expected to raise around US$250 million over the next years.

About Vertis Global Carbon Fund

Vertis Global Carbon Fund is a a sub-fund of STX FUND ASSET MANAGEMENT SCA SICAV-RAIF, STX Fund Asset Management SCA SICAV-RAIF, a Luxembourg investment company with variable capital – reserved alternative investment fund (société d'investissement à capital variable – fonds d'investissement alternatif réservé) established under the form of a corporate partnership limited by shares (société en commandite par actions). It qualifies as an alternative investment fund under the EU Alternative Investment Management Fund Manager Directive ("AIFMD") and managed by Funds Avenue S.A. This fund discloses under Article 6 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on sustainability–related disclosures in the financial services sector (SFDR). Accordingly, the fund does not promote environmental or social characteristics, nor does it have a sustainable investment objective. For further information on sustainability-related aspects (such as the integration of sustainability risk), please refer to the fund's prospectus and the website. The decision to invest in the fund should consider all the characteristics and objectives of the fund as described in the prospectus and website.

>> RELATED: STX Group Launches Working Capital Solution to Accelerate Renewable Energy Transition

SOURCE Funds Avenue S.A

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